Saturday, February 2, 2013

Theatrix-Tohfa (adapted from a short story by Sadat Hasan Manto)

A humble effort by Theatrix-the passionate Theatre club of IIM-K, and an integral part of my stay here. It is the rehearsals, the uncertainty till the last second, the thousand goof ups that only we notice on stage- all these give me a welcome breather from the insane, monotonous academic pressure at IIM-K. Theatrix instils pride in each of it's members, a vent for creativity and a confidence to hold our heads high. I am sure to post more of our work here. Like each of my works in this site, my poems or my reflections, the process of labour at Theatrix is similar and the testosterone rush as the curtains fall and the applause begins- no less than being kindly appreciated for a poem.  I wish I had a video of the nukkad we performed at Roobaroo, real proud of that work too

Directed by : Debtanu Dutta
Adapted for stage by : Ashish Tickoo

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