Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The River Girl (She #7)

I met a river high up the mountains.

 Nascent, now she twists and then she turns
 Just free from clutches of momma glacier,
 Restless, she scoffs and then she roars
 As she speeds by broken hearts, of many a lover dear.

 I met a river deep into my youth.

 There is music in her new found gait
 Dance, in her serpentine motion
 Some turns are abstract poetry, like confidence in a newly teenaged girl 
Some curves are self doubt, a newly pimpled boy in infatuation.

 I met a river deep in ecstasy. 

In love with herself as she brought the moon down
 And let the pack of clouds gulp it
 She turned red, blushed, enjoying assiduous attention
 Of meditative mountains, keenly watching sun, waking meadows-- all voyeuristic. 

 I met a river like a Byzantine empress.

 They both didn't know where to go

 But are out to build a queendom 
They both will break a few things-- hearts, fences, rocks
 (And build many more)
 As they embark on their quest for freedom.

 "Don't talk about a prince"- she said

 " Nor about the sea" - she said
 " Never settle"- they said together
 The more you travel, nearer you are to who you are.

I met a girl high in the mountains

 I met a river deep in her conscience

1 comment:


I met a man high on life! ... wide awake as though dreaming aloud ..
I met a man observant as an eagle ... gulping memories as though drinking elixr ..
I met a man rejoicing camaraderie ... befriending as though captain on a life boat ..
I met a man a fountain of joy … sprouting happiness as though erupting glory ..

I met a man … my friend … thank you for making a smile once more!